Time to Get Ready Your Family’s Smiles Ready for Back to School

There’s still time to enjoy summer, but if you have kids, you know it’s also almost back-to-school time. You’re probably thinking about school supplies, new clothes, and maybe physicals for kids on sports teams. It’s a good time to think about your loved ones’ teeth too. We can get your family’s smiles in great shape before they head to class!

Give us a call at 206-922-4573 to schedule an appointment in Seattle, WA. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Start Orthodontic Treatment – Have you been considering orthodontic treatment for your teenager? Summer is a great time to start. Invisalign aligners are much easier to get used to than metal braces. Still, your teen will feel more confident if they’ve had a chance to become accustomed to their aligners before classes start. 
  • Remove Troublesome Teeth – Getting wisdom teeth is a rite of passage for teenagers. Hopefully your child will be one of the lucky ones who experiences no problems with these late-emerging teeth. If they are causing pain or impacting other teeth, they may need to be removed. The good news is, Dr. Koo can handle many wisdom teeth removals right in-house. Safe laughing gas can keep your child comfortable during their procedure. 
  • Give Your Kids a Clean Bill of Health – To avoid missing any class time, it’s a good idea to get exams and cleanings out of the way before school starts. We can also treat any issues that need to be addressed, like cavities. Our extended hours, including Saturday appointments, make it easy to schedule these important visits. 
  • Protect Your Athletes’ Teeth – If any of your children play sports, they need mouthguards to avoid dental damage. Dr. Koo can fit them for a custom-made mouthguard that will fit better than a guard from a store. Even better, no irritating boil-and-bite process is needed. The custom mouthguard stays in their mouth and provides superior protection. 
  • Beautify Your Family’s Smiles – A new school year means meeting new classmates and pursuing new opportunities. Whether your child is running for student government or applying for an internship, they will feel more confident if their smile looks great. We offer several smile improvement services, including whitening and veneers.

Call Jahyun Koo DDS today at 206-922-4573 for an appointment or schedule online. We’re located on California Avenue Southwest, not far from Fairmount Park.